We're not really free

I visited my cousin today in her new home. It's quite lovely - located in a little coastal village at the mouth of our beautiful harbour, right on the beachfront. She had always wanted to live by the sea and has finally realised her dream. Sitting there today, I thought how much I would love to live there too, with the sound of the waves murmering in the background, the sunlight glinting on the water, and the wind gently blowing in through the open doors. 

Well, why don't you, I hear you say? Oh, so many reasons, I'm still sorting them out in my head. It dawned on me that we live in the prison of our minds, making excuses for why we can't do this, live there, change that. It takes courage to break out, break free and live the life we really want to live. 

Maybe some day I will.