Wild Wild Weather

Friday night weather report: Wow, it's wild out there tonight! Gale force wind gusting up to 140k and occasional bursts of torrential rain or hail. A good night to be tucked up safe and warm and dry inside.

Hopefully no huge claps of thunder like last night - now that was horrendously LOUD. I was sleeping peacefully (I presume) when I was abruptly woken at 2.30am by a very long loud thunderclap. Gave me a bit of a fright, but managed to drift off back to sleep. But at 3am I was jolted wide awake by the loudest clap of thunder I have ever heard in my life! It sounded like someone had exploded a very large bomb directly above the house. I sat bolt upright thinking it was either a huge earthquake or possibly the end of the world. Wow! Couldn't get back to sleep after that, so spent the day at work feeling somewhat jaded. Very glad it's the weekend and I can have a sleep in - yay!

This has been the weirdest summer so far - the weather is so unpredictable. Hot, humid and sunny one moment, then wind and rain the next - I wish it would just settle down.

Time to head off and hit the sack for some much needed rest.....goodnight from Downunder, Aotearoa, New Zealand, Land of the Long White Cloud....