10 Facts About Our Society That We Oddly Accept As Normal

  • We prioritize money and the economy over basics like air, water, food quality, our environment, and our communities.
  • We utilize an economic trading system that facilitates the death of millions of people each year.
  • We divide the world’s land into sections and then fight over who owns these sections.
  • We call some people “soldiers” which makes it OK for them to kill other people.
  • We torture and kill millions of animals every day needlessly for food, clothing, and experiments.
  • We send children to school for their entire childhood to memorize facts and skills that they will rarely use.
  • We impose financial pressures on parents, forcing them to miss out on vital stages of their child’s development.
  • We have thousands of religions, each one believing that their God or god-story is the only true and unique version.
  • Love and compassion, which promote life, are mocked as facile. Whereas war, which harms life, is seen as honourable.
  • Anyone with a really useful invention can forcefully prevent others from using or modifying it.

What would YOUR World look like?
